榴槤飄香 Durian smells
Thank to my colleague… today was the first time I’ve ever tried a home-made Durian... Continue reading 榴槤飄香 Durian smells
Random thoughts and everyday experience of [m]
Thank to my colleague… today was the first time I’ve ever tried a home-made Durian... Continue reading 榴槤飄香 Durian smells
麻醬涼麵 材料: 油麵 1斤 小黃瓜絲 1/2杯 火腿絲(或紅蘿蔔絲) 1/2杯 熟香菇絲 1/2杯 蛋皮絲 2大匙 醃料: 芝麻醬 5大匙... Continue reading 麻醬涼麵
廚神祕製羊腩煲 材料: 羊腩 三斤 浸軟冬菇 十數朵 冬筍去瞉 約四兩肉 馬碲 一斤 甘蔗 半斤 老薑 十二兩 蒜頭 一兩 乾蔥頭 一兩 紅辣椒 四條 辣椒腐乳 六到八小塊 柱侯醬 一湯匙 檸檬葉 十數片 香料包:花椒、八角、陳皮、甘草、沙薑、草果 合共八錢(用小白布袋裝起)... Continue reading 轉載自”廚神之家”:羊腩煲
Winter came late this year in Toronto. You can still see people wearing Fall coats... Continue reading Winter Pancakes
Being a “double-lost” person (no school, no work), I indulge myself in weblogging and homemaking... Continue reading Thai Chicken Tuesday