Green Grotto Tea Room 綠的小窩
When you are really tired, I mean, mentally tired, what would you do? Some people... Continue reading Green Grotto Tea Room 綠的小窩
Random thoughts and everyday experience of [m]
When you are really tired, I mean, mentally tired, what would you do? Some people... Continue reading Green Grotto Tea Room 綠的小窩
I know I’ve been slacking off (in terms of blogging) in the past few weeks.... Continue reading Friday @ Marlowe Patio
(It seems to take me forever to finish this post.) Life = expect the unexpectancy... Continue reading Cuisine of India
Sunny day, good food, I can’t ask for more! I’ve eaten so much food in... Continue reading Good Food Festival & Market, etc.
又稱為…高昇排骨 材料:豬小排半斤 調味汁:一瓢酒(小湯瓢) 二瓢烏醋 三瓢糖 四瓢醬油 五瓢水 作法:把排骨和以上調味汁一起放入鍋裡拌勻 開中火 等水收乾後即可上桌 OR… 先用大火煮開後改小火慢煮約20分鐘至排骨已熟透可食