
Dictionary: Obssession = fixed idea that occupies one’s mind

Since Saturday, this object has been in my mind on and off. You can say I’m a material girl this time coz I just can’t get this $999 handbag (on sale – original price was almost $1500) off my head. BUT it’s not about the price tag (TRYING to defend myself) I didn’t even look at the price or notice the brand when I picked it up and felt in love with it. It might not be a very classic piece, but somehow I just like it. Maybe that’s what makes it an obssession.

What can I do with $999 plus 14% tax?

– Almost 10 fine dining (excl. wine)

– Two airplane tickets to the west coast

– (+$200 and get) One airplane ticket to Asia

– Sponsor a child for 3 years!!!

– A 13″ mac book

– Facial treatments for about 2 years (assume once per month on average)

– Or simply save it and reinvest in myself (take some courses) or reinvest in stock/bond/savings account


There’re arguments on both sides… If I like something I should buy it, but looking at the alternatives forgone, I hesitated.

Oh well… I wonder if the bag is already gone now.

(Just mumbling to myself before going to bed…) Nitenite everyone…

9 thoughts on “Obsession

  1. $999 could be very useful, but if you have $999999 in your bank account, it doesn’t matter… 😛

    Let it sit for a week, if you still want it, go get it. If it’s gone, you saved some money.

  2. Go for the facial treatment sessions or spa visits…. since you’ve been quite stressful lately. The relaxation will out (even) more of your inner beauty. +_+

  3. Get the bag. You know you want it. It calls your name at night doesn’t it? What did it ever do to you? It WANTS to be bought. It practically has your name on it! What the hell… just buy it. Cause once you own it, you’ll automatically feel sexier because of it. And who doesn’t love feeling sexy? But it, buy it, buy it!

  4. – Two airplane tickets to the west coast (this will be the best pick!!)

    – (+$200 and get) One airplane ticket to Asia(This will be the worse pick…since it will lead to an ending of $99.99 left in your account….lol)

  5. I vote for the 2 plane tickets to the west coast…i hear LA is gorgeous this time of year *wink wink*

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