Imperial Buffet

Imperial 12Quite a while ago, I wrote about my experience with Imperial Buffet near Eglinton Town Center. At the end, I put down “To Be Cont’d“. At last, tonight the Imperial story is continued. A rainy Friday night just before the holidays, me and two other girl friends of mine drove to Ajax, where the third Imperial Buffet is located. I used to think Ajax is very far from Toronto, but it’s actually not that far. About 20 min, we were there already. Since it was right before holidays, most of the people were still busy shopping. As a result, the place wasn’t as packed as usual. (Good!)

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Located at a pretty newly developed plaza, Imperial buffet’s logo really stood out. We were seated in one of the dining rooms. I gotta say the restaurant was huge! There were at least 4-5 separate large dining areas. At a glance, the buffet bars weren’t any different from any other places, except the huge dessert section!!! (wait) I think that was one of the largest dessert bar that I’ve ever seen in Toronto. (Of course I’m compared it with other similar Asian buffet restaurants.) I especially like their bit-size treats. Oh God… Too bad I had been eating too much sweets and chocolates at work before the holidays, or else I would have tried every single one of them (at least share them with my girl friends).

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I know I know! Stop jumping right to dessert!

Ok… Starting from the appetizers… I took a bit of everything – various kinds of salads and pickles. They were all pretty standard and quite good. I always love pickles, especially those ones that we make at home (carrots and turnips). Also tried their lobster bisque. Yumm. It was good! Much better than I thought I would get from at a buffet!

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After that, we took their famous crab legs. Last time I went to the Eglinton location, I was too lazy to take off the shells. This time I tried. They were really sweet – not sweet sweet, but seafood sweet. You know what I’m saying? After that we tried some of their entrees, they were quite good overall.

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Roasted beef was one of my friend’s highly recommended items. So, we took a piece to share. The service was good. The person cut off the outer layer first since it has been exposed to air and become a bit dry. We also took some skewers + teriyaki sauce. They obviously added some ginger juice in it (which I like). However, I found the sauce a bit too sweet. They explained that was because they had to modify it to better fit the western taste.

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By that time, I was already quite full. BUT… We still got the desserts. (COULDN’T HELP!!!) There was a wide selection of desserts. From what I heard, this restaurant was awarded for its dessert bar. (no wonder…) Among all of those, I liked the Blueberry cake the most, especially the cake base. It was very nice.

Also, they have a chocolate fountain. Don’t the chocolate coated strawberries look gorgeous?! (I know… I’m sick!)

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We really had a great time that night. I also love the painting they put on the walls. They are like pictures in the fairy tales. After everyone left (we stayed there til 10pm), we, crazy girls, took so many pictures. 🙂

I normally don’t do buffet, but if you’re in Ajax by any chance and can’t think of any place to eat, give it a try.

FYI: Imperial Buffet
163 Harwood Avenue North, RioCan Durham Annex, Ajax, ON. L1Z 0A1
Tel: 905-428-0988

2 thoughts on “Imperial Buffet

  1. Hi i live in pickering we used to get the 2 of one coupons now we never got any in long time my friend of mine still he lives on liverpool i live on wild wood cres why is that?

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