***This is from last Friday***
Friday evening. Phew! Finally, this week is over. It’s been quite a tough week for me. Since I came back to Toronto, it’s been insane. Work, persons, myself – nothing seems to be working properly. Uploaded all the pictures that we’ve taken on the trip. Two cameras, 5 persons, 4 days, 3 nights, 400 pictures! Holy! Thank to the digital camera. I don’t think we would be taking pictures like that if we were using the old-fashion cameras in the old days.
While I’m still editing/selecting the pictures from the trip, I’ll blog about my recent (& not too recent) chows and munches.
Went to Vanghan Mills again quite a while ago. I think before that day, I really had the urge. However, when I was there, I didn’t feel like shopping. I think everyone’s like that once in a while. So, around 4pm we went to the Boston Pizza for dinner (that was a really EARLY dinner my friend). Boston Pizza – nothing really fancy. I still remember a few years ago the closest Boston Pizza I could see was @ Niagara Falls. These days, it’s everywhere. The first step into this BP up north, we were greeted by the two young servers. Compared to the service in Toronto, these people were really nice and friendly. When I came out of the washroom, the manager were even smiling at me and said hi. We ordered the chicken wings, lasagna and pizza. The food was good.
The is the one we went to:
3255 Rutherford Road, Building C
Vaughan, ON L4K 5Y5
Tel: 905-761-5165
***Starting here… from Today, Friday***
The other day, we went to Fortune BBQ again (click here for my 1st visit experience), this time we ordered the crab rice, which was very good for sharing. The last few times we didn’t have a chance to order this because there were not enough people to share. We also ordered the Peking Duck and some other dishes. Quite consistently, the quality and service is good.
FYI: Fortune Barbecue Noodlehouse 粥家莊
9665 Bayview Ave (VillageGate Plaza), Unit #30, Richmond Hill
Tel: 905-884-3388
First Markham Place – good location, but crazily difficult to find a parking spot during the peak dining hours. The other day (Saturday) afternoon we came to this new Chinese banquet hall/teahouse for lunch. Two couples – one recently got married and the other one were engaged – came from HK to Toronto. With this theme, it seemed to be very appropriate to try out this (relatively new) restaurant. (Another excuse from Marz.) The banquet hall decor was quite nice. Looking at the dimsum menu – um… food wasn’t cheap there – which was expected. Anywayz, we ordered about 16-17 dishes. None of them really stoodout and justified the price. The service was ok. One of my friend got a VIP card so we had 10% off. Forgot how much I paid – wasn’t too bad. It’s just … for that price range uptown, I expected something even better.
FYI: Diamond Banquet Hall
First Markham Place – 3225 Hwy 7 Ave. East, Markham
Tel: 905-944-8288
Wimpy’s – the first one I’ve ever noticed is the one on Sheppard, between Bayview and Yonge… Used to go to the Domino’s Pizza to pick up dinners and Wimpy’s was next to it. To me, Wimpy’s seems to be a burger place. After my research, I found out there is actually no connection between this Wimpy’s and the Wimpy in the U.K. One afternoon, we went to Wimpy’s for all day breakfast!!! YEAH~ I love breakfast! I ordered one of the Classics – Bacon or Ham or Turkey Bacon or Sausages & Eggs (3 eggs with choice of 4 pcs bacon or ham or sausages with home fries and texas toast or rye). I had my eggs scrambled and chose the sausages. My friend had another similar one but with additional bacons. And then on top of those two BIG breakfasts, we ordered a dish of pancakes~ We were MONSTERS I’m telling ya. Never under-estimate the size of my stomach! At the end, we actually finished everything (and they were shared evenly) except a few pieces of potatos on my plate. We also had an apple juice and an orange juice.
This is really something that I shouldn’t eat unless I’ve been starving myself for 1-2 days. BIG FAT MARZ is coming out!
This is the location we went to:
590 Sheppard. W., Toronto M3H 2S1
Tel: 416-635-7013