Boston – Day 3(i)

U.S. Homeland SecurityTo tell you the truth, right now I’m extremely tired… after staying up kinda late two nights in a row. These few days I’ve been having a lot of good food, good company and taken quite a lot of good pictures. In other words, they are all in the queue now. I’m so looking forward to seeing the new posts (as a reader of my own blog…) I’m always amazed that I would have such strong urge to keep typing. (I uses a lot of “I”, don’t I? Seems that everything’s about “I”, “me”, “myself” and “mine”) iTune currently playing Muse’s old album “Showbiz” – gotta thank IW for introducing Muse to me. Somehow I find the music kinda depressing, but at the same time it’s sucking me into it. Right now. I’d like a cup of latte, iced.

Yup. I know I know, I should get back to the topic – the 3rd day of my Boston trip.

Third day morning… we went out again to do more shopping. This time we went to New Hamspire, where there is no sales tax (Yeah!). Somehow we spent a bit too much time there, and ended up with big bags and smalls bags of clothes and stuffs again (oh no!). We also got the dark chocolate. This time we bought them @ CSV (a chain convenient store/ pharmacy) for US$1.99 per package!!! OMG, guess how much it’s sold at Shoppers Drug Mart? It’s like CDN6.99 + 14% sales tax!

We then went to Boston downtown for sightseeing. Just like any other major city, it’s always challenging to find a parking spot on the street. Therefore we parked at the parking building, and walked for 5 min to the downtown core (Quincy Market, etc.)

*** A few days have passed ***

Let me continue my story. Downtown Boston… I believe we went to the site of the Boston Massacre. In the picture you see 5 glass towers. On each of these towers there are numbers printed, indicating each of the person who got killed in the Massacre. When you walk through each of the glass towers, you can also see a lot of steam coming out from the ground – just like when people were being killed by the poisonous gas.

Boston 2 Boston 1

Boston 3

After that, we walked to the Quincy Market, where we got the famous New England Clam Chowder. According to aunt, this “Boston Chowda” is the best among all the stores there. Therefore, we ordered 3 bread bowls of clam chowder to share.

Boston - Quincy Market Boston Chowda 1 Boston Chowda 2

I always like bread bowls, especially this is a very soft and fresh one! Creamy clam chowder… forget about the grams of fat that we were taking in coz we deserved that after 10 hours of “excercise” the day before. Costed about $5-6 per bread bowl. Yah~ 1. Lobster, 2. Clam Chowder… another mission down.
Boston Chowda 3 Boston Chowda 4

A look inside and outside of the Quincy Market. Late-November in Boston, I felt like the holiday was here already.

Boston Quincy Market 2 Boston Quincy Market 3

2 thoughts on “Boston – Day 3(i)

  1. About your first paragraph:

    Miss Marz this is your blog your cyber land you have all the rights to do whatever you want wanting wanted wanted

    With your kindness, we are just visitors who were granted with the opportunity to access and to share.

    Keep up the good work!!! 🙂

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