One day in Yuen Long… Sunny Florist – Used to walk by that many many times. It’s still there. We used to say it’s named after my friend “Yuen” and her bf “Sun”
Saw this old village lady selling Champac (白蘭花), which has very strong fragrance. Took this pic of her (Opps! I guess I scared her).
Me in Yuen Long somewhere… Put the Champac in my front pocket.
I was THIS close to bookig a little summer vacation to Hong Kong. I haven’t been there in almost 15 years, but the unbelievably low price wasn’t enough to suck me in. I realized that mid-August would be sweltering hot and possibly raining like crazy so I decided against it. Sometimes I wonder if I should go back sooner than later though. Some people I know actually try to go and visit HK every year. Is it really that fun?
Don’t know if it’s THAT fun compared to JPN coz a lot of HKese go to Japan very often. HK is good for shopping and eating, especially for people like who are living in Canada where TAXES are everywhere.
In HK, there’s no sales tax, no tips (not if it’s a good restaurant though). Plus, Canadian $ is very strong now. That’s why…
But, I think you should go again. (Hey… can you read chinese btw?!)
do do do do do…
請小心車門! Mind the door please!
下一站褲浪! Next station, Fu Long!
Shopping and eating eh? Hmmm, maybe I did make the right choice in deciding not to go. I’m not really into Chinese food because I work in the biggest Chinatown in Japan, so I’m forced to eat it for lunch almost everyday. And I think the shopping might not be to my style because I’m a casual-skater-style kinda guy.
Unfortunately, I can’t read any Chinese. Even more pathetic is the fact that I’ve even forgotten how read/write my own name. Thank God my parents still speak to me in Cantonese or else I woulda lost everything.
HAHA Yea… I think those 2 are the main selling points of HK. Maybe you should go elsewhere… somewhere like Maldives or New Zealand where you can really relax.
Or even Canada! 🙂