Belated Merry X’mas

There goes another X’mas. And then quickly… new year, Chinese new year, then V-day, then B-day, then Mother/Father’s day, summer, Thanksgiving, Halloween, Remembrance Day, then back to X’mas. What a cycle. [Ex walked by and said: “It matters whether you can feel your true feeling at each moment… it’s not that dark and sad.”]

– Been to a few family / friend gatherings this X’mas and saw some new faces, especially on my father’s side.
– Read a few books. One of them was the 玫瑰奴隸王, which is a sequel of 第8號當舖; the story is quite similar to 第8號當舖. This time, it’s about the masters of 第7 & 11號當舖.
– Upgraded my computer, installed some good stuffs, e.g. Photoshop CS, BT / eMule… Downloaded some songs and ebooks
– Watched a few movies, e.g. Chasing Liberty, Little Black Book, 天下無賊… but none of them was real good.
– Boxing week shopping? Didn’t do much.
– Ate a lot of stuffs… so it’s time for a workout.
– Changed my lifestyle to 5am-1pm… so it’s time for an adjustment again.

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