Again, it’s Friday.
It’s Friday, again.
Look at this room.
What a mess.
It’s time for a big clean-up.
(I never said I’m a tidy person.)
Turned on my computer.
Another mouse-broken-down happened yesterday night.
It’s the 2nd one already.
How many of you have experienced this?
Your mouse just died before you abandoned it.
Maybe I haven’t fed it for too long, it got a nervous break-down.
In order to speed up the clean-up process,
I pulled out the old songs from the deck of CDs.
Yes. These are the ones I like at the moment:
Theatre of Tragedy & Lacrimosa
ah.. a real life mouse? or the computer mouse? hehe, always use IBM or MS mouse.. they’re the best. 😀
sigh… Computer mouse, one was Logitech cordless; the other one was MS… they just died. ><