I’m so glad that there are so many friends, relatives, and ppl who care about... Continue reading Thank
Random thoughts and everyday experience of [m]
I’m so glad that there are so many friends, relatives, and ppl who care about... Continue reading Thank
Always keep your knives sharp. It is the dull knife that will cut you. Ethan... Continue reading keep your knives sharp
我想每一個人 都曾經感到過 世界上就只有自己一個。 每一個人都覺得 自己的問題最大 知道要面對問題 卻不知道怎麼辦 一定要撐過去的…
人越年長,越會容易失眠。 是因為長年累積下來的人與事… 反省過去,越會發現自己的任性。 自我中心,莫視別人的感受; 想怎樣, 就要怎樣;沒有的話就不滿。 說「對不起」也沒用。 What has been done cannot be undone.
Our wills and fates do so contrary run That our devices still are overthrown. Our... Continue reading Wheel of fortune