New Generation Sushi

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New Generation Sushi – the first time I’ve heard of this name was around a year ago. I remember seeing people’s recommendations on a forum. I wasn’t too sure if it was a really good place. The only thing I remember was that it wasn’t very expensive. Then after a period of time, I heard the place was closed for renovation since there has been a fire.

Somehow, I was there last Friday. Originally I was thinking of going to Rikishi (833 Bloor St. & Shaw), but on our way, we saw this place with quite a lot of customers inside. So, there we go. It was a rainy Friday night. By the time we found the public parking ($5 flat rate at night as I could remember) and got a table, It was almost 9pm. People were leaving but you could still see some customers coming in late at night. The area near the entrance was always packed with people either waiting for a table or waiting for their take-out. Turnover rate was high… I was thinking… it better be good and fresh.

So, two of us sat down at the booth at the back. We were really hungry. I think I had only eaten very little during lunch time that day. So, we ordered a Matsu Combo (with california rolls, nigiri and one salmon skin hand roll), a Yaki Udon and a Katsu Don.

Right after we have placed our order, we were given the miso soup and green salad (they were so-so – I would only give them a 2.5 out of a scale of 5). I don’t know if it was because of my camera… the server gave us the spring rolls and said it was on the house… So we had that. Not bad.

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The sushi was also so-so, no surprise and not authentic. (argh… right now I’m thinking should I even write about this restaurant.)

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Yaki Udon – Pan fried noodles with chicken, vegetable (eggplant, yam, etc.) & bonito flakes… A bit greasy. Taste was not bad, but somehow… felt like I was eating Chinese food. The Katsu Don could be better. The pork was a bit dry. If you look at the rice they used, you can see the difference… and somehow understand why I felt like I was eating Chinese food.

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The final bill was about $32 before tips. At the end we also got a complimentary ice-cream. The service was not bad consider how busy they were. Although there were on average 5 servers looking after the dining place that seated 50-60 people, they were really busy running around. I guess part of the reason was because of the high volume of take-out orders.

FYI: New Generation Sushi
493 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1Y2
Tel: 416-963-8861
Open Sun-Sat 12:00 PM to 2:00 AM

2 thoughts on “New Generation Sushi

  1. 可憐﹐可悲﹐可惜﹐可笑﹐多倫多竟然沒有一間﹐較高水準的魚生和壽司店。我初時以為只是華人店不行﹐所以 我四出打聽日本人開的﹐和日本人打理的魚生和壽司店﹐去試菜都是失望而回。 是魚的來源有問題? 是魚生和壽司師傅的問題? 還是多倫多根本要求不高? 是只要平要量多而非品質??? 因此劣幣驅逐良幣。


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