
I guess I’ve successfully paced myself lately to achieve a good life balance. I think it’s partially due to the practice of yoga. At first, yoga to me was solely an exercise, a way to stay healthy and a way to improve flexibility. I thought it wasn’t really my thing but I wanted to try because I was a bit tired of the usual gym practice. I always believe – when you’re stuck, you just gotta change something… then doors and windows and whatever will somehow open up, and then we’ll see the light.

Thank to the electric-motobike, I’ve resumed my yoga practice late last year, going to classes every other day whenever I’m in Shanghai. I tried many different classes and teachers – until I found a few that I really like. The yoga ritals … you know, the ‘onggggg’ thing at the start was quite weird to me.

Days after days of practice… although my flexibility still isn’t the best, I find the best part that I’ve gained from the experience was the inner peace. Remember one of my best ex-colleagues JK used to practice yoga often back in Toronto… at this moment, I just wanted to let her know that I’m also enjoy it. Back then, I really didn’t quite get it.

Last night, on my way to yoga, I suddenly felt an influx of emotion… but somehow this time I understand where it is coming from and what it’s been caused. I called that my moment of enlightment… a moment that I suddenly became more aware of myself and my emotions. I was very glad. Somehow, that feeling resembles the happiness of being able to swim at the bottom of the pool without getting the fear for the first time. I hope I can keep it up – finding peace in this restless city of China.

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