二月份的新假期:家庭日.與美國的President Day同一天.暫不論這天假期無端端為加拿大帶來的經濟損失有多大.打工仔的我,有假期放,當然開心.更何況公司八成的客人都是美國的.剛好你休息我也關門.皆大歡喜.有在看這個部落格的人,可能有點奇怪,為甚麼我會放一張"After Divorce Mints"的照片上來.其實,除了是因為它"抵死"之外,更是因為我在星期五終於結束了這長達三年多的關係-勞資關係.一月份的時候我把我想辭職的意願告訴了老闆.畢竟在那裡工作了三年多了,我學到很多,也很開心認識到一群好玩的好同事.不想因為我的離去,讓同事們承受不必要的負擔.星期五,我終於正式的遞上辭職信,一個月後的今天,我應該已暫時卸下這盔甲.
現在,心情比較平靜.到Bayview Village逛街,他們今天有Heritage Antique Market,結果買了九對vintage耳環.(不要以為我是購物狂,只是因為價錢實在是太吸引了.)可能是因為G,越來越喜歡舊東西,人棄我取,各得其所.有些保養得好,款式經典.但需要耐心去找尋.找到了,可以開心一整天.還有,因為是易手的東西,不用給稅.回家,才發覺我這些說多不多說少不少的耳環,很難處理.把它們放在桌面上嘛,又佔地方又不好保養;把它們放到袋子裡又很難選戴.靈機一觸,利用家裡的廢物造了這個耳環箱子.
哇~ 很棒的盒子~ i think i need one of those too~
i have stopped buying vintage ear rings as most of them irritate my skin.
因為買了不能戴 令人好生氣~
would love to get silver vintage ear rings but i don see them around at all.
now im into bracelets
speaking of taking pictures of food…
i never get to take pictures of them. because when the food is served, i always dig in straight away.
all i can think of is “Foooood…. eeeat… yummmmm”
maybe next time you should shoot me eating.
Hey G!!!
I know… I just tried on several ones and I think my ears are a bit irritated too… darn! I thought I couldn’t wear those “pin-through” ones, but now I can’t even wear the clip-on ones! Grrrr. I’ll test all of them and see. People said if you put on a coat of clear nail polish, it’ll be ok. I think we should try.
Yah! Make a box for your jewellery! I think it’s good recycle of paper. Food~~ Yah I’m gonna take more pictures of people from now on.
Too be honest, I think the “vintage” ear rings are too dirty to put on. My ears are quity sensitive too. Aiya~~~don’t put them on.
btw, the box for the earrings are amazing!
Yup. That’s true, but I guess it should be ok (hopefully) since I’ve cleaned everything with alcohol and put a coat of nail polish on.
how much were the earrings? thinking of checking it out next time.
Hey Sandy, those earrings cost about $2-5/pair. The Heritage Antique Market is held 7 times per year:
January 1/ February 18/ March 23/ May 19/ July 1/ September 1/ October 13.
For more info, you can visit http://www.heritageantiqueshows.com
thnks much!