
and I’m still at work…

Work never ends. I do know that. (I’m just waiting for the contractor to leave so that I can lock the door.)

Since about a couple of months ago, I see a jump in the traffic of this site. Thank all of you who’ve been here, or who are now here for whatever reasons. Some of you might be my friends and just wanted to check and see what I’ve been up to. Some of you might be a regular who wanna get some food/restaurant idea. Some of you don’t even know why the hell you were linked to this site. 😉 I don’t know if there’re any of you who are here for the music. (Maybe Ray?) I know everyone has his/her own schedule and that’s why I never assume any of my friends would read this blog until maybe one day you msn me and ask me something related to the blog. To tell you the truth, I haven’t been able to keep up reading some of your blogs either. But once in a while, I click on the links and check it out, I’m happy that someone invented this blog thingy.

2 thoughts on “7:30pm

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