If you are thinking of…

starting up your own business, but are not sure if you wanna rent a place right away…This might be helpful.
By the way, I get no commission from this. Just wanted to help my friend and at the same time help the entrepreneur, who ever that might be (you… or your friend…).

This store is located at First Markham Place (Hwy 7 E & Woodbine). If you are a Torontonian, you should have probably heard of this Chinese Mall. Talking about First Markham Place, the first thing that comes to mind is the numerous restaurants outside and the food court inside the mall. The mall traffic is good, especially during lunch time and dinner time. I see many people coming to this mall for lunch – there are just so many office buildings in the surrounding areas! During dinner time, the parking lot is usually packed.

Originally, this store was a boutique, but my friend wanted to spend more time on family, so she redesigned this store and divided this unit into 6 compartments as you can see from the pictures below. Rent for each compartment starts from $900/month. Everything (property tax, management fee, security, insurance) is already included in the rent. Each compartment has its own security system, locks, high speed internet and individual phone plug.

If you, or you know anyone who may be interested, contact Mr. Leung @ 416-816-9332.

位於Hwy 7 East 夾Woodbine 以東的萬錦廣場,地點適中,車位充足,商場內酒樓食肆林立,各行各業,應有盡有,區內更滙聚了不少優質住宅及大型企業辦公室,難怪萬錦廣場一直以來成為消費熱點,不但人流暢旺,且顧客消費力強,如欲在該商場創業,真是一鋪難求。
現在出現了千載難逢的機會。「祿禮坊」運用嶄新零售概念,在萬錦廣場Unit 127號鋪內,出租獨立櫃臺。閣下可以低廉租金、便可輕鬆創業,省卻不小鋪位管理及行政的煩惱,更能專注發展閣下的銷售業務。
「祿禮坊」有多個櫃位可供出租。租金只由$900起,已包括地稅、管理費、保安上台費及保險,而且裝修華麗,即租即用。每個櫃位已設有防盜攝錄系統、全新夾心玻璃飾櫃連鎖,預設高速上網及獨立電話線插頭。想把握這個輕鬆創業的良機,請即致電 416-816-9332 向梁先生查詢。

1. View from outside…
Store 7

2. Walk in a bit… you see a mirror on the left side.
Store 4

3. Walk further in…
Store 2

4. Walk in and look at your left side
Store 5

5. A view from inside…
Store 6

3 thoughts on “If you are thinking of…

  1. $900 per month- that’s still expensive.

    But it looks like a good idea- not everybody can afford those high mall rents.

    you changed your blog, right?

    I find it so hard to read now.

    Before, it was easier to read.

    How come you changed your blog?
    It was perfect before (??).

    Please bring back the old format or improve the current format.

  2. Yes, I changed the template. I like the previous one too, just that I wanted to change somehow… 🙂 I always wanna improve the look and feel of it, just that don’t have much time (and skill -_-).

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