
還有三天,你就要離開多倫多.今晚,不太舒服,沒有去你的 going away party,好像有點失落.



I’ll miss you.

4 thoughts on “再見

  1. 來來去去.沒有不散的筵席…I feel the same way towards you the way you to me, Marz. We’ve shared quite a few experiences in these few short months, from doing crazy things together, planning on doing crazy things together in the future, the 50 things you and I have in common, etc. I tried to coerce you to come out tonight, only because I wanted to see you again so much, but I realize that you would otherwise not have missed my sendoff for anything. Regardless, I share your sentiments, do believe we will cross paths somewhere down the road, and I will miss you as well. 相逢恨晚 indeed.

  2. 曾經讀過一篇文章﹐話人生如一程巴士﹐有幾多個由站頭坐到站尾﹐期間有人上車﹑有人下車!!!!

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