



4 thoughts on “浮生若夢

  1. Dear Marz:

    Just so you know, you have built quite a cultish following (well, with me and my gf, anyway…) through your blog. It is almost always an intreguing and insightful read, and I have, on more than one occasion, refered to your blog for dinner ideas (Yes, i am a fatty that enjoys my food). Weather it be your restaurant reviews or your random thoughts, I never fail to find an interesting POV when i am browsing. Being a bilingual individual, like you, I am pleased to find that classic chinese culture and concepts has not been lost through distance and time. Anyways, my point is, keep up the good work, and I am an avid supporter of your consntant self-enrichment with both the chinese and western culture.
    P.S. I was scouring your blig when I stumbled upon your friendster. call it creepy, or whatever, but as it ends up, it seems that you actually know a couple of my buddies who went to Mac, Benson and Matt…whoo hoo, I am friends with friends of a local celebrity!!
    P.P.S. My gf’s sister’s bf actually used to be the owner of 419 steakhouse, a restaurant you reviewd quite a ways back. I read your review way back when, and totally agreed with you about their restaurant. It has since changed owners, and the food is awful now…just so you know.

  2. Hey Joe!
    Just wanna say thanks for your support and compliments! You know, last year around this time, I was thinking whether or not I should keep the posts pure English or pure Chinese. That was a really tough question – So I thought, whatever, I’ll just write in both English/Chinese depending on the situation/my feeling. As you may also notice, most of my food logs were in English coz I think that would benefit/be useful to more Torontonians who may happen to stumble on this blog for food-related info. The Chinese posts are mainly for personal expression – I still find myself express better in Chinese – although I can feel my Chinese’s been getting worse.

    HAHA~ It’s a very small world – I know Benson and Matt coz we all went to MAC. Maybe one day I’ll see you and your gf in one of the gatherings. Who knows?!

    419 – I’ve heard about the declining quality and I haven’t been there since my last visit. It might be an even smaller world… coz a friend of mine told me he also know the ex-owner of 419.

    I’m glad that my so-called reviews have been useful to you, but you know… many restaurants are very inconsistent in terms of their service and food quality. So, feel free to let me know any interesting/varying experience. 🙂

  3. thx for visiting my xanga!
    i just thought u’ve forgotten me!

    i also need to learn from you … taking all the photos that u eat!!! ^^

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