剛剛過去的這個週末, 跟朋友參加了一個戶外活動. 本來我並沒有要去, 只是朋友的表姐不能去, 結果我就頂上了. 星期天的中午, 一行十五人來到多倫多的湖邊, 然後坐船到另一個島, 開始我們的 Sailing 訓練.
講真的, 我對航海真的是一竅不通, 導師介紹的專業用詞對我來說就好像是另一種語言. 看到其他人在湖裡開船, 我就很擔心到我開的時候, 會不會有問題. 還在想那個帆到底應該怎麼擺, 一個有經驗的人就對我說, 你只要儘管放開它, 風到時候就會告訴你應該怎樣開. 因為我們只能利用”所有”的 (i.e. what’s given to us). 我想, 好一個人生的哲學. 聽起來很簡單, 但很多人到老還是不通這道理. “我們只能順著事情會發生的方向去希望, 而不是希望事情會順著我們想的方向去發生.”
走的時候, 更看到天鵝一家在游泳呢. 這就是我們去學開船的地方: Queen City Yacht Club
Sailor Moon has ended…..
now it’s Sailor Marz!!! 😛
Hey! you know what? there’s a Sailor “Mars” in the Sailor Moon comics.
Oh! I didn’t know. I just remembered the name of the show, as my sis used to watch it. That one and also “Initial D”.
Yeah, Sailor Mars is the firey she-devil … named…Ray…
Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream.
If you see a crocodile,
Don’t forget to scream.
Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the river.
If you see a polar bear,
Don’t forget to shiver.
Row, row, row your boat,
Gently to the shore.
If you see a lion there,
Don’t forget to roar.
Rock, rock, rock your boat,
Gently to and fro.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Over the side you go.
Row, row, row your boat,
Roughly down the ravines,
Horribly, horribly, horribly, horribly,
Death is not a dream.
HAHA you guys are so funny 🙂