7:00pm, finally I could get out of the office. Came back home with sore shoulder and stiff neck… Had a big home-dinner with BBQ duck, steamed fish and veggie. Here I am again, going online and writing my last post before my 3-week vacation. When I’m travelling, I guess I won’t be accessing Internet that often. However, I don’t anticipate that I will miss my computer that much since I’ll be eating, shopping and partying while I’m in HK.
(I’ll miss my blog for sure though ;p)
Last weekend, JW threw a dinner gathering at Asian Legend (Commerce Gate location). At around 7:30pm, the restaurant was fullhouse + several groups waiting for tables at the entrance. We had to wait for like 15-20 minutes even though we had a reservation. I was really surprised that Asian Legend would be that busy. No wonder it just opened up a “flagship” location near Finch and Leslie.
It was nice to see JW and her new boyfriend, P. Chat chat chat…. Here are the dishes we ordered. Plus another 2 dishes that were not shown here – 賽螃蟹 & Lion Head… Overall, the food was ok. Maybe it’s just that I’ve been to Asian Legend so many times already and it feels like part of my kitchen already. :p

Counting down…10 hours… I’ll be on the plane.
To sleep or not to sleep, that’s the question. @_@
have a safe trip!
Thanks! I’m in HK now…
Finally got off the plane yesterday. Although it was delayed for like over 1 hour, it was safely landed 🙂