Can’t stop NANA 停不了的娜哪奈奈

Late at night and tired, but I just couldn’t stop reading NANA, the popular Japanese comics. You know, I haven’t read any comics in these 2 years. Used to go to the comics cafe on Hwy 7, but they didn’t update their comics and now they’re closed. Still remember when I was in secondary school in HK, I bought comics each months… the good old days. At that time one comics book costed about HK$28. I wonder how much it costs now. I really like this feeling… being drawn into something. As I get older, I feel that it becomes more and more difficult for me to really concentrate on one thing (except at work when I have no choice). Tried to read some novels, but couldn’t finish them; tried to write letters, but they are all half-finished; tried to learn something, but I just somehow couldn’t keep it up. That’s why, I’m so happy to stay up late just to do something that I like.

I’m happy because I know what I want.

Uploaded some of the songs from the NANA movie … Enjoy.

4 thoughts on “Can’t stop NANA 停不了的娜哪奈奈

  1. KLC,

    其他的都是拿弟弟的看… 😛


  2. Ya… I like Slam Dunk too! There are actually a lot other comics that I like… But usually I don’t like 少女漫畫… um… NANA’s ok… Maybe I just haven’t read comics for such a long time. I have such a thirst for it =)

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