“in Chinese” 繼續中文

Montreal TripI’ve been blogging a lot in Chinese recently although my Chinese typing is definitely slower than my English typing. Maybe my command of Chinese is still better than English. Some feelings are best expressed through the cute little Chinese characters. Please do forgive me for ignoring your feelings. I know it must be quite annoying when you come to a site and cannot understand what it’s about and/or the characters might not even be properly displayed.

During the thanksgiving weekend, me and some of my best highschool buddies went to Montreal and Mont Tremblant, Quebec. It was a terrific road trip!!! Great place, great food, great people. Plus, I did some shopping in Montreal ^^

I know these pieces of memories are going to be kept in my mind for a very long time. One day I might have the Alzheimer’s Disease and forget everything. I’ll forget how we squeezed into the minivan and drove 6-7 hours to Quebec, forget all the great crepes and wines we had, forget how we played Texas Holdem and KL turned into a gangster dealer, forget the “viewer’s discretion” pictures of KL+LL that I’ve taken, forget the look of AF in her pajama, and forget how Marz turned into “Charlie” and hunt AH, DC and VN down @ 5:06am…

Once the pictures got uploaded, I’ll write about the trip in more detail.

3 thoughts on ““in Chinese” 繼續中文

  1. Ahh!! Charlie!!! hehe, hey, what’s that viewer’s discretion picture? You took more pictures when we were sleeping? haha. 😛

  2. no ah…i think marz was talking about the “KL stripping LL” pic ah =P ai yah, dim suen ho ah, jau kwong la! >.

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