416 B-day PT

Happy Birthday to Addison!

12:15p.m. Sunday.
Finally crawled out of bed.
Luckily don’t have any hangover from last night.
Haven’t been that drunk for a long time.
The uncomfort last nite was even worse than the time I had my B-day PT last year.

I guess I shouldn’t have drunk so much.
Shouldn’t do that next time… (that’s what I said last time too >< ) 6:00p.m. Wowed for a few hours. Finished some quests. After today I'd stop playing for awhile... 10:55p.m. Suddenly thought of what J said last nite... I should try to visit at least 1 different city/country each year.

Another weekend’s gone.
There’s another weekend.
Friday nite,
Another weekend’s gone.

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