I know this is stupid, but I just felt like trying all the horoscope tests on the site.
Here’s what I got…
47% Aries (牡羊座)
40% Taurus (金牛座)
60% Gemini (雙子座) *
73% Cancer (巨蟹座) ***
47% Leo (獅子座)
27% Virgo (處女座)
40% Libra (天秤座)
33% Scorpio (天蠍座)
67% Sagittarius (射手座) **
53% Capricorn (魔羯座)
47% Aquarius (水瓶座)
47% Pisces (雙魚座)
Wow… What a Cancer I am…
u forgot to do the same test in the way of chinese traditional 😛