It’s 2:30a.m. eastern time. Just took a shower and all refreshed.
Feeling good tonight.
Why? because…
I’m listening to good songs from Misia’s new album Singer for Singer
Ain’t I a little bit silly? I started to know her songs from the album “Love is the Message”. It’s been almost 5 yrs and I still love to relax and listen to her songs.
Feeling good also because…
I just came out from World of Warcraft, learnt some new skills and finished some missions
New year’s coming very soon.
Everyone around me is healthy.
Actually, I don’t feel right tonight. Went to a walk-in clinic because it was already after-hour. Suddenly I am so glad that I usually don’t have many health problems. A pretty strong and tough person. When there’s no problem, you tend to underestimate its importance. You take everything for granted. That’s not right.
You gotta take good care of yourself before you can treat your loved ones well.
It’s the end of year 2004, it’s time to give some thoughts to your past and your future.
Last but not least, lend a hand to the people on the other side of the globe (i.e. S.E. Asia) if you can. Donate as much as you can afford.
Good night and happy new year!